– Corresponding Author
– Conflicts of Interest

– Cover letter
– Title page
– Abstract and Key Words
– Text
– Acknowledgments
– Symbols and abbreviations
– References
– Post-production corrections






HAEMA accepts for submission manuscripts that have not been published before and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and for which the submission of the manuscript has been approved by all co-authors.

All works submitted to the HAEMA Journal should follow the recently revised recommendations of theInternational Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, for standardizing the ethics, preparation and formatting of manuscripts submitted for publication by biomedical journals. The studies which aresubmitted should have been carried out in accordance with the relevant local, national and international guidelines.All submissions are subject to peer review and disclosure requirements, as stipulated by the ICMJE.


Corresponding Author

In each submitted paper a Corresponding Author should be designated. The Corresponding Author is the person who supervises the work, and is responsible for all the data, figures and text, and ensures that authorship is granted appropriately to the contributors and that all authors approve the content and submission of the paper; theCorresponding Author also ensures adherence to all editorial and submission policies, identifies and declares conflicts of interest on behalf of all authors, identifies and discloses related work by co-authors under consideration elsewhere, archives unprocessed data and ensures that the figures present the original dataaccurately. The Corresponding Author will alsobe responsible for communicating with the journal (before and after publication), and be accountable for fulfilling requests for reagents and resources, and arbitrating decisions and disputes.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors are required to disclose all relevant financial support and potential conflicts of interest in their coverletter, the manuscript and the copyright transfer agreement. If there are no financial disclosures from any author this should be stated. In addition, the authors have the ethical responsibility to ensure before publication that all the research is credible and the data accurate.

On acceptance of the paper the authors agree to publish their article in HAEMA under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License’. That means that: You are free to Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses you or your use with No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Patient and other consent

In order to comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning privacy and/or security of personal information, appropriate written consent, permission, and releases must be obtained wherever you wish to include any case reportin HAEMA details, personal information, and/or images of patients or other individuals.

All papers which report in vivo experiments or clinical trials on humans or animals must include a relevant written statement in the Methods section. This should explain that all work was conducted with the formal approval of the local human subject or animal care committees (institutional and national), and that the clinical trials have been registered asrequired by the legislation. Authors who do not have formal ethics review committees should include a statement that their study follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Copyright and reuse

HAEMA is a copyrighted publication. Once a manuscript has been published in HAEMA the legal ownership of it has been transferred from the Author(s) to the Journal. Material published in the journal may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written consent of the Editor or the Publisher. The Corresponding Author will be asked to sign on behalf of the authors a transfer of copyright agreement, which recognizes the common interest that both journal and author(s) have in the protection of copyright.


Manuscripts should be submitted in English according to the following instructions. The preferred word processing package is doc, rtf. Should you experience any problems with your submission, please contact:

HAEMA accepts for publication:

  • Editorials: Editorials are invited by the editors and are generally related to a paper published in the same issue. The length and format of the editorial will be agreed upon betweenthe editors and the author(s).(500-700 words and 5-8 references).
  • Commentaries: Commentaries may be submitted spontaneously or invited by the editors. They cover current issues of outstanding interest, comments on recently published articles in major hematology journals or summaries of information presented at recent international congresses. The length and format of the commentary will be agreed upon between the editors and the author(s). (500-700 words and 5-8 references).
  • Review articles: The length of review articles should not exceed 6,000 words (excluding references).
  • Original (research) articles: These should normally be structured as: Introduction, Patients (Material) and Method, Results, Discussion. The maximum length is 4,500 words (excluding references), with a maximum of 6 figures and/or tables.
  • Case reports: This section includes interesting case reports, with or without a literature review. They should not exceed 2,000 words.
  • Letters to the Editor: Letters, comments or critiques of articles recently published in HAEMA are accepted. They should not exceed 1,000 words and 10 references, and 1 table or figure.
  • Images in Hematology: Interesting and instructive images (e.g., clinical signs, blood and bone marrow cytology, radiology, histology, images of laboratory tests) along with a short explanatory text are accepted.


The manuscript should include a cover letter to the publisher, the title page, running title, abstract, key words, text, tables (with legend), figures (with legend), references, acknowledgments, supplementary material and statements of declaration of interests.

Cover letter

Manuscripts should be submitted with a cover letter that states that neither the specific manuscript nor any substantial part of it has been published in or currently submitted toany other journal for publication. It should alsostate that all the authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to its submission for publication. A sample of a cover letter is provided at the end of the Instructions.

Title page

A concise title, author name(s) and affiliation(s) and a running title must be included. The name and address of the corresponding author should be indicatedseparately and clearly, along with the exact postal address, e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers.

Abstract and Key Words

Manuscripts should be submitted with an unstructured abstract of up to 300 words. Up to 5 keywords must be supplied after the abstract.


Tables and figures (illustrations) should be submitted on a separate page, numbered using Arabic numbers, in the order in which they appear in the text. A descriptive concise legend (title) for each table or figure (illustration) should be included. It is essential that figures submitted online are in the following formats: tif, jpeg, eps or pdf, with the suitable resolution of 300dpi.


All persons who have contributed to the paper should be listed in Acknowledgments. These include people who provided technical help, writing assistance or general support. All financial support andfunding of the organization for the execution of the study and preparation of the manuscript should be clearly acknowledged.

Symbols and abbreviations

These should be used according to the common Units and Abbreviations code.

Usage of Units and Abbreviations

Entity Abbreviation Recommended unit Alternative unit
Redbloodcellcount RBC x 1012/L
Whitebloodcellcount WBC x 109/L
Plateletcount PLT x 109/L
Reticulocytecount RETIC %
Hemoglobin Hb g/dL
Hematocrit (packedcellvolume) HCT ratio, nounitnecessary
Meancellvolume MCV fL
Meancellhemoglobin MCH pg
Mean cell hemoglobin concentration MCHC g/dL
Sedimentationrate ESR mm/h
Serumvitamin B12 pg/mL pmol/L
Serumfolate ng/mL nmol/L
Serumiron μg/dL μmol/L
Iron-binding capacity IBC μg/dL μmol/L
Serumferritin ng/mL μg/L
Transferrin mg/dL g/L
Serumhaptoglobin mg/dL g/L
Fibrinogen mg/dL g/L
Immunoglobulin G, A, M IgG, IgA, IgM mg/dL g/L
Beta-2-microglobulin ß2m mg/L


References should be identified in the text sequentially in the Vancouver numbering style. The following paradigms illustrate the various reference categories:

(From the Michener Institute, University

Journal article, up to 6 personal author(s):

  1. Al-Habian A, Harikumar PE, Stocker CJ, Langlands K, Selway JL. Histochemical and immunohistochemical evaluation of mouse skin histology: comparison of fixation with neutral buffered formalin and alcoholic formalin. J Histotechnol. 2014 Dec;37(4):115-24.

Electronic journal article:

  1. Poling J, Kelly L, Chan C, Fisman D, Ulanova M. Hospital admission for community-acquired pneumonia in a First Nations population. Can J Rural Med [Internet]. 2014 Fall [cited 2015 Apr 27];19(4):135-41. Available from: by selecting PDF link in table of contents.

Electronic journal article, 7 or more personal authors, optional DOI information:

  1. Aho M, Irshad B, Ackerman SJ, Lewis M, Leddy R, Pope T, et al. Correlation of sonographic features of invasive ductal mammary carcinoma with age, tumor grade, and hormone-receptor status. J Clin Ultrasound [Internet]. 2013 Jan [cited 2015 Apr 27];41(1):10-7. Available from: DOI: 10.1002/jcu.21990

Book, personal author(s):

  1. Buckingham L. Molecular diagnostics: fundamentals, methods and clinical applications. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; c2012.

Book or pamphlet, organization as both author and publisher:

  1. College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario. Standards of practice. Toronto: The College; 2011.

Book, editor(s):

  1. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, editors. Robbins basic pathology. 16th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; c2013.

Book, editor(s), specific chapter with individual author(s):

  1. Altobelli N. Airway management. In: Kacmarek R, Stoller JK, Heuer AJ, editors. Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care. 10th ed. St. Louis: Saunders Mosby; c2013. p. 732-86.

Electronic book, personal author(s), requiring password:

  1. Martin A, Harbison S, Beach K, Cole P. An introduction to radiation protection [Internet]. 6th ed. London: Hodder Arnold; 2012 [cited 2015 May 28]. Available from: with authorized username and password.

Electronic book, organization as author, freely available:

  1. Open Stax College. Anatomy & physiology [Internet]. Version 7.28. Houston: The College; 2013 Apr 25 [Updated 2015 May 27; cited 2015 May 28]. Available from:

Dictionary entry:

  1. Stedman’s medical dictionary for the health professions and nursing. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2012. Hematoma; p. 756.

Entry in a print reference work:

  1. Canadian Pharmacists Association. CPS 2013: compendium of pharmaceuticals and specialties. 48th ed. Ottawa: The Association; c2013. Atropine: Systemic; p. 297-9.

Entry in an online reference work:

  1. Canadian Pharmacists Association. eCPS. [Internet]. Ottawa: The Association; 2015. Methimazole; [revised 2012 Mar; cited 2015 May 28]; [about 6 screens]. Available from: with authorized username and password.

Wiki entry:

  1. Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [Internet]. St. Petersburg (FL): Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 2001 – Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa; [modified 2015 May 28; cited 2015 May 28]; [about 34 screens]. Available from:

Newspaper article:

  1. Carville O. Health ‘snooping’ cases on the rise. Toronto Star. 2015 May 27:Sect. GT:1 (col. 3).

Electronic newspaper article:

  1. Wisniewski M. Five babies at Chicago daycare diagnosed with measles. Globe and Mail [Internet]. 2015 Feb 5 [cited 2015 Feb 6]; Life:[about 2 screens]. Available from:

Legal material (note: this is not addressed in Vancouver Style):

  1. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, S.O. 2005, c.11 [Internet]. 2009 Dec 15 [cited 2015 May 29]. Available from:

Report available on a web page:

  1. Canadian Institute for Health Information. Depression among seniors in residential care [Analysis in brief on the Internet]. Ottawa: The Institute; 2010 [cited 2015 May 29]. 18 p. Available from:

Page on a website:

  1. Alzheimer Society of Canada [Internet]. Toronto: The Society; c2015. Benefits of staying active; 2013 Jan 28 [cited 2015 May 29];[about 1 screen]. Available from:

Streaming video:

  1. Allen S, Waerlop I. The Gait Guys talk about great toe dorsiflexion [Internet]. [place unknown]: The Gait Guys; 2014 May 11 [cited 2015 May 29]. Video: 3 min. Available from:

Electronic image:

  1. Bickle I. Swallowed foreign body [radiograph]. 2014 Jul 14 [cited 2015 May 29]. In: [Internet]. [place unknown]:; c2005-2015. [about 1 screen]. Available from:

Blog post (no given name, so screen name used as author):

  1. Munkee. Nuclear Munkee. [blog on the Internet]. [place unknown]:[Munkee]; [date unknown] – . In-111 pentetreotide imaging; 2013 Mar 19 [cited 2015 May 29]; [about 3 screens]. Available from:

Poster presentation/session presented at a meeting or conference:

  1. Chasman J, Kaplan RF. The effects of occupation on preserved cognitive functioning in dementia. Poster session presented at: Excellence in clinical practice. 4th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology; 2006 Jun 15-17; Philadelphia, PA.


Papers submitted to HAEMA will undergo peer review. The corresponding author will be notified of rejection, revision or acceptance within 4-8 weeks of submission. All accepted articles will be published online.



Receipt of a submitted paper will be acknowledged by an e-mail containing a reference number, which should be used in all future communications. The corresponding author will be sent an e-mail asking them to check their proofs. The email will either have a link for authors to access their PDF proofs online, or will have a PDF proof attached.All manuscripts will undergo some editorial modification, so it is important to check proofs carefully.

To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked and returned within4 working days. The preferred method of correction is by annotated PDF. Extensive changes are not allowed in proofs.

Post-production corrections

Corrections to a paper already published will be carried out only with an erratum or corrigendum (as applicable).




[Your Name]
[Your Affiliation]
[Your Address]


Dear [Editor name],

I/We wish to submit an original research article entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by HAEMA.

I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

In this paper, I/we report on / show that _______. This is significant because __________.

We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

If you feel that the manuscript is appropriate for your journal, we suggest the following reviewers:

[List reviewers and contact info, if requested by the journal]

Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address].

Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.


[Your name]